I’m thinking 300.How many watts are you looking for total for the heaters?
Sweet. I will know tonight!If you can fit a 300 ehiem jaeger. I have 10 of them. Lol
Can’t wait for water and corals !!!!!
I do unfortunately lol. I told a co-worker today that I forgot how expensive this was. I don’t even want to admit how much I spent on my lunch break today for the tank.Comon Kev,
You know as well as we all do that once you add the water and fish it all goes downhill.
There's tons you can do with models and mirrors now-a-days.
Thanks man! Now to find some live rock!Awesome bro
Thank you very much. I will definitely let you know. The app seems pretty straightforward as of now. Haven’t had a chance to connect the light to it yet, hoping tonight.It look beautiful! I wish you the best. Let me know how you like the lights. Never used LED. I have the Red Sea 160S sitting in a box sealed over a year now. Maybe I'll try it if you like it.
Same here!!!Looking great, I can't wait for water and rocks
You already know the answer Kevin. Cmon. Customize sirAny thoughts on this? I’m thinking it may really come in handy for organizing. But also think I can make something similar for much less.
Slide Out Control Panel
Are you ready to streamline your aquarium organization system? With Red Sea’s new Slide-Out Control Panels, you can have all of your reef monitoring and maintenance devices mounted into one single, easy-to-access location. Affix the panel to either the left or right side of your aquarium cabinet...www.bulkreefsupply.com