Well, Since the 2008 frag swap I acquired Bryopsis Algae on one of the frags I bought. I have been battling this Algae for about a year and it has killed most of the coral in my tank. I am assuming it is mostly from me trying to pluck it off. It kills the cheato in my sump. I have tried a phosphate reactor, carbon, high magnesium, 3 different light combinations (I still regret selling my LED lighting), lots of hermits, fox face rabbit fish, Cole tank, lettuce nudibranches, lots of water changes, no water changes and this stuff keeps spreading. I am getting to the point where I may just drain the tank and call it a day. I have lost hundreds in corals as well as equipment (Buying and selling lights). I am not one for chemical fixes but I figured it is my only option remaining. I was able to get ahold of Algae X and I am now trying that. I did my first dose last night and all the livestock seems ok. Hopefully this will get rid of this devil algae. I can't believe how frustrating this algae can make you. If this doesn't work there will be a nice tank and equipment for sale soon. The fish would be ok to sell as well but all the coral and rock will be thrown out. I wouldn't want anyone else to have to deal with this stuff.