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Last Ditch Effort

If you can remove the rock and get really annoyed you could spray it down with hydrogen peroxide and let it soak in for about 5-10 minutes. It will kill some of the bacteria in the rock, but it should kill the algae as well.
Just read your thread, read this link. I have some in one tank and have been experimenting with standard cures with little success.
This is what I tried so far.
Lowering Phosphates and NO3 to undetectable levels.
Wet skimming and increased cheatoe with 24 hour lighting to decrease nutrients.
Isolating available inverts with affected frags for periods of time to observe if they would feed on it. NONE DID!
Standard tank snails and several wild caught types.
Peppermint shrimp
Wild Caught grass shrimp
Emerald crabs
Several types of Wild collected crabs including Green Crabs and the invasive Japanese Crab.
Several types of hermits including Blue Leg and Red Scarlett.
Also tried various treatments with solutions of Hydrogen Peroxide, in consecrations that will kill the Bryopsis, chances are in will also kill the affected frag.
As a final attempt, I just did a total tank Black Out for 4 Days, nerve racking!
After 3 days with normal lighting resumed, I can see growth has resumed.
Next attempt will be to boost magnesium to 1500-1600 using Kent Tech M. The one precaution that I plan on taking will be to move my inverts to a separate tank before treatment.
Hope this helps.GregH
Link- http://www.bostonreefers.org/forums/showthread.php?t=45857


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus

I don't know if this will work or not. I tried the Eric Borneman's recipe for mojamo anemones and it worked like a charm, everything it touch it melted. I was wondering if it would work on the bryopsis if you pulled or cut as much as you could and then squirt a little of this paste on thew rest. The only things to watch is where it goes and the PH spike that comes with it. My ph went up to 8.7 from my normal 8.2 The reading went back down after a few hours. Here's the link: http://www.njreefers.org/joomla/index.php?option=com_smf&Itemid=26&topic=12434.0 I hope it helps. If anybody knows why this wouldn't work please chime in.

I may have to give that solution a try. My other option that I was thinking of doing is to buy some more marco rock and cycle it in my basement. Remove all the rock and sand from my tank keeping the fish and anemone and starting over. The only dowmside is I will lose my remaing corals. IDK.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus

Can you take a piece of lr out and treat it? If you try the paste make sure you have no flow for at least a hour. If it doesn't work maybe there's someone near you that could hold the corals in their tank.

The live rock in my tank is Marco Rocks. It was dry rock when I got it. The devil algae came on a frag from the frag swap. I wasn't having any issues until then. I am also not sure I would want anyone to hold the corals because they all pretty much have bryopsis somewhere on / near them. I am going to up the dosage of the algae-x closer to the orgional 5ml per 26 gallons.
i had this problem awhile back. i upped the mag and pulled out as much as i could each day and it eventually went away. when pulling it out, turn off all pumps and powerheads to prevent spreading. use a small net to check any pieces that might be floating in the water when pulling. good luck.
Update, the 4 day black out did have a positive affect. A good amount is simply gone and the remaining is not looking that good. I just started raising the mag hoping that this may eradicate the remaining a alga.
I have a blue spot nasso. She cleaned the tank completely once. Now I think I feed her too much other good stuff, she barely touches it.
Picture is worth a thousand words, right? I couldn't tell you the difference between the two if my life depended on it. This is what she ate:



Yeah I found the more hands on with algae the better results you'll have. Pull all you can out with your hands, or by siphoning. Then add the treatments if you are. My tank is in wall and very hard to get in to, so I use the turkey baster to free it, then i fish it out of my sump and do a water change. It's going away little by little. I can't do the lights out cause I have a lot of coral and they're growing great so I don't want to mess with them.