Heres the last of them items from my break down with updated prices.
All items in toms river.
Hydor Koralia Wave Maker 4 and 2 x 12v Koralia 4. Controller is fully controllable and less than 2 years old.
Mag 9.5 pump with spare impeller
Aqueon Proflex 2 sump and 10 filter socks.
$20 for 3 heaters below.
200 Watt Eheim Jager
150 Wat Eheim Jager
Fluval E-300 300 Watt Heater with LCD
$30 for both brutes.
2 x Brute 32 gallon garbage cans
$20 for all misc items listed
MagFox hose cleaner
2 x mag floats
Suregrip 100 Magnetic power head holder
32 Boston Aqua Fams Ref Plugs
5 RedSea Test Vials
4 oz kent strontium & molybendum
Tech M Magnesium 16oz almost full
67 oz reef code A
67 oz reef code B
Frag cement
Salifet Magnesium Test 9-2014 expiry
Misc washer, plugs, nipples, murlock connectors.
Seaweed Clip
Half bag DI resin
Float Valve
Spare impeller
3 x 5 gallon containers
Maxijet 1200
All items in toms river.
Hydor Koralia Wave Maker 4 and 2 x 12v Koralia 4. Controller is fully controllable and less than 2 years old.
Mag 9.5 pump with spare impeller
Aqueon Proflex 2 sump and 10 filter socks.
$20 for 3 heaters below.
200 Watt Eheim Jager
150 Wat Eheim Jager
Fluval E-300 300 Watt Heater with LCD
$30 for both brutes.
2 x Brute 32 gallon garbage cans
$20 for all misc items listed
MagFox hose cleaner
2 x mag floats
Suregrip 100 Magnetic power head holder
32 Boston Aqua Fams Ref Plugs
5 RedSea Test Vials
4 oz kent strontium & molybendum
Tech M Magnesium 16oz almost full
67 oz reef code A
67 oz reef code B
Frag cement
Salifet Magnesium Test 9-2014 expiry
Misc washer, plugs, nipples, murlock connectors.
Seaweed Clip
Half bag DI resin
Float Valve
Spare impeller
3 x 5 gallon containers
Maxijet 1200