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Light for a 17"x17"x12" tank

I pulled my refugium a few months ago ago after starting bio pellets. Now I have this empty space. I'm considering using it as a frag tank. Lighting is my main issue here. I have t5'son the main system and would love to go that way but with that size it just doesn't seem possible. So in on to LEDs. What suggestions does everyone have that would work there. My first thought was a 12x3watt eshines unit. I figured it would be plenty. What else is out there. And if someone can figure out how to get some T5's in there let me know. Thanks in advance.


Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
I think a Kessil A150 would be great down there and a really good PAR38 unit like Mike suggest would be good too.
Thanks for the suggestions guys. I 'll check them out. I would love to stay T5 since thats what im running on the DT and ATM I have no thoughts on making a switch. Though Darren just posted up a Nice fixture, I might have to see if I can put the dough together for that. Gonna be tough.