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Lighting question

So I would like to move away from LEDs and go with t5s my tank size is 48-24-22deep what would I have to go with as in how many bulbs I'm going to be mostly chalice and zoas and I'm thinking ati as a brand any suggestion would be great thanks


Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
4-6 bulb fixture would be a good place to start if you are only doing LPS and Zoas, 6-8 if you want to it to be able to handle the mixed bag. I'm going to be going back to T5's on the next build too.
i use a 6 bulb t5 fixture for my 120. if you go 4 try and find one that allows for separate control on the bulbs rather than all 4 on at once. With my 6- 2 come on for sunset/sunrise and the other four are the main battery. Also have a pair of LED moonlights on this fixture for additional effect...but i don't like em -the reefbrites would be better for shimmer if that is what you want.

i just picked up ati coral plus bulbs - will let you know how they look.
I would go with the six at lease. On my 8 bulb Tek the length of the front to back bulbs is only 15". Yes there will be more spread in the tank but your talking about a 24" tank you have. I would start with 6 bulbs. It's good to see the talk everyone was having is swaying people back to T5.
Good timing on this thread. I'm debating how I'm going to light my new tank and am thinking hard about t5s or t5/led combo until leds mature a little more. The problem that I think I may run into is spread. With the tank being 72 X 36 I'm not sure if a 8x80w ati fixture will give me adequate coverage for sps.


NJRC Member
I got rid of my leds because in my opinion they just arent where they need to be yet,I had great growth but lacked mass and color.
I never had that with T5
Time to restart this just got a nice T5 light it's a 8 tube 54watt I have everything in the tank SPS LPS chalice so like to get nice color and growth so what bulbs do all you T5 guys go with and where's a good place to get them price wise


Staff member
Officer Emeritus
What fixture did you get Dan? The two links above are great, and there is a long running T5 thread on RC that has tons of info as well. As far as where to buy them, you would think there would be more. Your best bet and cheapest bet would be online. By the time you get all 8 you will hit free shipping. BRS, Reef Geek were my choices. Aquatic obsessions and fish factory are the only 2 local places that I could find selling them.
In my fixture I'm running front to back
Thanks for the info guys the link you sent Kevin was great so I think I just need to place another order with brs

John I got a aquatic life light fixture it's a very nice light not sure if I can do what you do with your light and phone but it seems like I should do good with it
I've actually heard good things about that fixture. I was actually considering buying it before you did.
I need to replace my T5 bulbs [12] on my 180 reef and thought I would go with LEDs. But these posts are giving me second thoughts. The reason I was going to switch is because of the time, money and aggravation of keeping the tubes up to date [12-18mos] to avoid color shift and algal blooms. Getting a stubborn bloom now that is worsening.
Any comments appreciated.
You could cut down on the time the builds are on to make them last longer. When I switched all the colors I was not getting with the LEDs I am now and my tank looks great I'm glad I made the switch


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Kenpa, I switched from T5’s to LEDs for the same reasons you mention……The cost of bulb replacement, cost of electricity, and heat…..and I couldn’t be happier. Did some stuff “color morph?”……YES. But I still like what I got. On my 90DT I’m running two Apollo’s and on the JBJ28, a Reefbreeders.