I don't know how many of you get Blue Zoo Aquatic's email newsletters but I find them to be a cut above the standard sales pitch. I ordered from them very early in my reefing career and was impressed with their way of doing business. Heck I still use their acclimation setup.
Anyway they had great article on this new RARE(in this case really true) clown morph.
They documented the fish from capture to sale. Great read and have to say that there are so many things right with this fish I hope they have great success.
1) sustainable collection
2) good shipping
3) selling to respectable breeder vs some rich Joe
4) can you say natural good looking fish
Anyway as a member of the conservation committee just wanted to point this one out as done the right way IMHO. Take a look the article is great.
Anyway they had great article on this new RARE(in this case really true) clown morph.
They documented the fish from capture to sale. Great read and have to say that there are so many things right with this fish I hope they have great success.
1) sustainable collection
2) good shipping
3) selling to respectable breeder vs some rich Joe
4) can you say natural good looking fish
Anyway as a member of the conservation committee just wanted to point this one out as done the right way IMHO. Take a look the article is great.