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Literally losing mushrooms...


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I had a booger Jawbreaker get knocked loose by my new melanarus wrasse as he was digging in the sand.
Wasn't the end of the world, but was depressing. Was hoping it was just blown to a crevice somewhere and would slowly grow and would find it at another time.
NOW the jerk has done it again!
He(and only blame him because he is the digger!), partially buried the frag that had two JBs on it. (Both were a bit bigger than eraser heads) The one that was partially covered with sand was missing.

I quickly tried all blues and looking around the tank...Nothing!

Any suggestions?

These guys are pretty small, but this second one is a nice mushroom. Do I try to move things around and see if I can locate it/them? Or leave things alone and hope it ends up growing and being found at a later time?


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Yup. I still have three others, so will be securing them up higher later today.

But What do I do about the one that just went missing???


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you can try to sift the sand with a slotted spoon or a cat litter scoop. If not you may have to eat that one
I just had to get rid of my melenarus wrasse. Wrecked havoc on my tank. Gorgeous fish though!

As for the JB, I would just let it be, maybe it'll turn up as a pleasant surprise one day.


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I doubt you will find it easily. I am sure the water flow took it farther away from original spot.


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So the bottom picture. I believe I lost the smaller guy on the left. Boooooo.


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Well, once home tonight I will go Jawbreaker hunting!....lol

These are a slightly older photos, have grown a bit since then.
Option 1 would be its buried some place which time would be of the essence to find it.
Option 2 the shrooms detached and are floating around hopefully not under a rock this happened to me the jawbreaker lived for months detached and,floating about the tank I swore it wouldnt make it but one day a I found it secured to a rock and looking beautiful my other red shrooms occasionally detach and wind up randomly in new places sometimes for the better sometimes in weird places.


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Option 1 would be its buried some place which time would be of the essence to find it.
That is the one that concerns me as it may have been partially covered since last night, NOT liked it and detached and the wrasse may have covered him even more.

Was thinking of the spoon option but may be closed up a bit and not easy to see.

Was also thinking of vacuuming the sand and catching all the waste water and floating materials in my 5 gallon jugs, dump that water and scan through the bottom of all the collected material with fingers crossed.


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Well...Great news! I get home and there are two JBs fully open on the frag plug/rock. I guess it didnt like being buried in the sand much and shrunk up between some rocks as I did NOT see it when I took it out and examined the plug. So my next move it to move them up in the tank just a little so this doesn't happen again.


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STIll have another JawBreaker and another green discosoma mushroom that went missing a few weeks back, so may hunt for those this weekend.


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You'll never know until you try. I found a frag plug and it has zoas, no clue what kind but there alive.


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tis may sound odd, but I think so. well, I lost a booger a week prior to my post. then when the malanarus wrasse buried one larger than a eraser i got upset. found that one and think i know where the booger turned up. its deep in a crevice of live rock, but in a great spot overall, if it continues to grow, so I cn live with it and play the waiting game.