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Live rock

So the reef rocks for the 90 should be here soon. Along with that I intend to use a bit of stone from my 44 pentagon. I'm figuring about 20lbs or so. My question is this. How long can I hove that live rock out of water while I set the scape before I can expect a massive die off? I intend to take the live rock out and set the scape without water in the 90. I imagine it will go relatively fast maybe 30 min or so. Then I'll add sand then start adding salt water. Is this advisable. Or should I set the scape with water in the tank. Maybe half full or something? Thoughts anyone. Thanks in advance.


NJRC Member
Article Contributor
Live rock can stay out of water for quite some time. If you think it will take longer to do the scape, just get some wet newspaper or paper towels and wrap the rock in it.
You just want to keep the rock moist and you will be good.


Officer Emeritus
Staff member
30 mins is not a big deal, as sunny said draping something wet on top of that is great insurace and will help.
Perfect. That's what I was hoping for. Now one more question. Since that 44gal is currently housing all my coral and fish, is a large water change suggested after pulling this rock. Just in case anything is released from the sandbed. It's not overly deep but my goby has been making caves and I'm pretty sure there are now areas that are over 4" deep. Plus most of this rock was added after the sandbed was in place, so some of it is resting on the sandbed.


NJRC Member
Article Contributor
Depends on what you plan on leaving behind. The bacteria is minimal in water column. If you pull all the rock out you will pull bacteria out as well.
There is bacteria in sand and filter (if you have one). That said, if you bioload is too much, then large water change could be an issue.

How long has 44G been established for? I would say do a 25% change if you see something stirred. Fish will be fine mostly, corals you need to watch for.
The 44 has about 65 lbs of rock I'm taking a select few pieces I estimate about 25-30lbs. The rest is not going to be used for one reason or another. Plus the filter sponge from the aquaclear will still be there do in not overly concerned about notifying bacteria in the 44. I was more concerned with the release of any trapped gasses. The 44 has been up since september. Bio-load is medium at best. Guess I'll just have to keep a good eye on things, and be ready for a few changes if I need them.