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Live video feed camera for tank?


NJRC Member
Anyone have recommendations for a live video feed web camera with good resolution? I know a few people on here have them, just forget who!

Ultimate Corals

Gold Sponsor
not the best placement since i just have it sitting on the tv stand next to the tank so your kinda looking up but it gives you the idea.

One really nice thing about this camera is it has one of the best night vision modes i've seen.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Sandee has a few of them up and running on her tanks. She might be a good person to ask about this.

hcker99's seems to be working pretty well though.


NJRC Member
Article Contributor
Foscam FI8910W is the one I use. Decent resolution but not HD.

I just bought 3 of these. They are very good. Check the link in my signature for a live cam. So far I like them a lot.
All are wireless using wifi.


NJRC Member
Now you've added another thing to my WANT list! Thanks!


I purchased the Foscam FI9820W off of an authorized EBAY dealer. He had it up for $159.99 shipped with 10available. When I hit buy now it jumped to $500 with 2 left! I E-Mailed him & got it for $159.99 shipped. He said that "We raise the price when we are close to being out of stock and so to not lose the listing"
It was the only person that had it in stock that was an authorized dealer.



Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus

I purchased the Foscam FI9820W off of an authorized EBAY dealer. He had it up for $159.99 shipped with 10available. When I hit buy now it jumped to $500 with 2 left! I E-Mailed him & got it for $159.99 shipped. He said that "We raise the price when we are close to being out of stock and so to not lose the listing"
It was the only person that had it in stock that was an authorized dealer.


Ahh, the ....20W version is HD? Good to know.

I'm with Don. Another thing added to my Want List.