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livestock question

ive had an animal in my tank that i'm afraid is some hydrozoa or something else bad. I've been doing some research since I've had the problem before a few years back but the animal was a different color then. If you have any feedback or information please inform. green animal in the center of the photo

WhatsApp Image 2023-01-05 at 00.23.21.jpg


NJRC Member
No joke I had a single one of these looking things under my rock flower one day a few weeks ago. Never saw it before or again. It had almost a light brown stalk


Vice President
Staff member
NJRC Member
Could be Manjano anemone which are not good for a reef tank.
ok thank you. as i said a few years ago i had a similar animal but couldn't remember the name. that rock was small enough where i was able to take it out and boil it. it solved the problem. unfortunately, I don't have the ability to take this one out.

Ultimate Corals

Gold Sponsor
Never boil rocks

THIS THIS THIS....... I had a customer a long time ago that read online to "cook live rock". He took that as boiling the rock on his stove and dam near killed himself, wife, kid and dog. He was actually on the news of this if I remember right.

Moral of the story never boil rock :)


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Yep, I had heard about a couple stories of people cooking their rock on a stove....DON"T EVEN DO IT!

Marc Levenson shows you how to properly and safely "cook" your rock in this video:
