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Looking for Fiji yellow Leather

Joel T

NJRC Member
I saw two last weekend at The Aquarium Center in Blackwood (South Jersey). They were $120 a piece. They were a good size to be fair, Also, they were closed up.


NJRC Member
Somethingfishy in Northampton Pa has some. The only thing is, unless you have lighting more towards the 10K range they will not show yellow. If you run more blue they brown out.
How long ago did you see these? Back on 12/2/23 I was out there and saw what I thought could have easily been a sacred Fiji Yellow Leather. They had four of them. I bought one on speculation for $80. I've been lucky so far and not put it under any blue lighting. It is now the same shape and size of two real Fiji Yellow Leather grown out frags I overpaid for last August. The SF one also has a yellow stem. Unfortunately the two real ones were under bluish light in my frag tank, and have greened out. They're now under a whiter light with very little blue - I hope they regress to the yellow color they should be.

Were the ones you saw at SF labeled "Fiji Yellow Leather"? What were they asking for them?
