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Looking for some dry rock and rubble


NJRC Member
I was planning on shutting down and selling my 40b- some life changes will have me home a lot more so thinking about getting it back up to speed- maybe just a couple of fish and corals any free or cheap rock rubble will be appreciated and also give you priority to future gifts:)


Staff member
Board of Directors
NJRC Member
Got a load of rock you're welcome to. Some may need some cleaning and curing. Probably 12-15 pounds or so. Will get a pic tomorrow if you're interested.


NJRC Member
Chris, I have a bunch of dry rock and rubble you can have. Would need to be cleaned up, been sitting in a box for a while.
I also have a good amount of dry rock and rubble that you can come pick through - would be happy to get some landscaping advice if you come by to pick it up. West Milford area.