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Looking for Zoas for tank


Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
aaahhh that was fast....where in central Nj are you? i have some Paly's i can trade. I particularly do not care for them. they were given to me for free...i am nursing them back to health
@Mark_C he's a corvette kid, every time we pass the chevy dealer on the way to hockey he says dad look at the new inventory.... I tell both my boys work hard and you can get a great job and buy anything you want.. and maybe a Lamborghini for dad... lol


Staff member
Board of Directors
NJRC Member
I've got a variety of zoas for sale ranging from basic eagle eyes to hallucinations and Strats.
I'm exit 6a off the turnpike


Staff member
Board of Directors
NJRC Member
I've got mini colonies of red hornets, Rastas, eagle eyes/whammin water melons, Green Bay packers, red people eaters, queen strats and sunny D'sready to go
1-3p frags of blondies, sunny D, bam bam, CAR, AOG, tubs blues, red people eaters
3-4p purple hornets and rainbow hornets


Staff member
Board of Directors
NJRC Member
Here's a rough pricing, and of course colonies or frags of 3 or more are cheaper

Utter chaos 11pp
Blondies 11pp
AoG 5pp
Rastas 5pp
RPE 5pp
Red hornets 5pp
Rainbow hornets 8pp
Purple hornets 8pp
Sunny D's 12pp
Fruit loops 18pp
Hallucinations 125pp
Queen Stratosphere paly 100pp
Bam bam 8pp
Eagle eyes 2pp
Tubbs blue 4p
Green Bay packer 2pp
Hey Skaters, I saw some good deals at my LFS in Clifton Exit 154 GSP. They always have 8 dollar frags but this week they had some nice colonies on rocks in the 39 dollar tank. I don't work there or anything but if you wanna take a ride it would be worth it. Absolute fish on rt 46