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Always seem to be adding something colorful every week :). Never knew this is one expensive hobby. Just got over my zoa and poly fever. Maybe rics are next, just ordered some from the group buy this month. Quick question on Phosban reactors, are they necessary to run? I been having problems with the cc sandbed, the top layers get dark and kind of stick together so I siphon it up with every water change, now very thin layer of bed, will the phoban reator help take care of that or is it something else. Thanks.
What color is it? Is it red? Brown etc?

Can you post a pic? Cyanobacteria kind of sticks the sand together...any air bubbles in it?
Without a pic, for starts, how's the flow in the area? Is it like a film laying on the sand? How much of the sand is affected? All of it, or just certain areas?
Flow is light to moderate on bottom,it's where there's light shinning on the cc, makes the cc a dark color. I don't see the film, but if I use a mag and clean the glass near the cc it doesn't kick the cc up, it will vibrate that area. I also have some green algae constantly growing on the glass if that helps.
what does your CUC consist of for the sand bed?

At this point you may want to consider adding more flow. Also - not sure but you may run into some trouble down the road with the YT and hippos. In particular the two hippos. They are small now but wait til they get older!
Sorry but I don't know what CUC is. When the tangs get too big for tank we are gonna trade them in for small ones, start the process over.
Sorry- CUC _ clean up crew - do you have anything stirring the sand? Such as serpent stars, nassarius snails, cerith snails, a sea cucumber, conchs etc.
I have 1 conch, blue leg crabs, don't know how many always dying on me. Wanted to take out the cc and switch to fine(sugar grain size) aragonite sand, is it a good time to do it now?