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Lost Everything due to my stupidity in not getting a generator!

Well, anyone in the Old Bridge Area knows we lost power last night around 7-8ish...JCP&L stated power would be restored by midnight... It is now 11:00am the next morning and still nothing... It was a pole taken down by a tree... How long does it take to fix that!?!?! I woke up to my whole tank dead... For those of you who followed my Tale of the Tank know I've fought bouts with ick and aggressive fish and finally got the tank perfect... All corals were growing nicely all fish were getting along... Yesterday morning, my wife and I were just watching the tank and taking about how great it was looking and how we finally did it...and now it's all gone... So frustrating and I know it's my fault for not having a generator. I always said Ill get one but never did.... The frustrating part is that calling JCP&L and they are so non-chalant about it... They don't care that I just lost all my pets!

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That's the most frustrating part and the main reason I'm posting... I knew that and kept putting it off... Buying 10 times in fish and coral the amount it would have cost for a generator. I always said I will get it soon!!! Well, not soon enough. I am the reason my poor fish, inverts and corals all died.

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Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Sorry to see this. If I knew about this I would have brought my generator over for you.....I'm next door in Sayreville.

I also wonder if the Verizon strike had anything to do with it taking so long. I say that because a woman took out a pole yesterday on Washington road (major road through Sayreville), and when I went for my walk, walking past where this happened, striking Verizon workers where yelling at the "scab" workers, calling them scabs and that they didn't know what they were doing....about 20 strikers. I think the cops were there for two reasons...traffic control and keeping an eye on the striking workers.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
That sucks, i didn't lose everything but after i had my new tank set up and had an outbreak of ich knock out most of my fish, right after that bryopsis and hair algae took hold. I was wondering why i even set up a tank at that point. I kept with it though and fish are back and good, bryopsis is gone, just the hair algae battle at this point. If you choose to stay in this i really hope things work out for you. On a side note with the guy you spoke to on the phone, as someone that handles accidents all day, it might not be that he doesn't care about the loss, what i deal with all day you kind of go numb to it, my priority becomes to help the person the only way i can, which is fixing the vehicle. Not to say i don't feel bad that he's rattled, but i don't have an attachment to that person, so it might come off that i don't care, but in all reality i'm just focusing on what i can do for them. If there's nothing i can do, you really don't know what to say to someone you've never met. As for generators, you can get a fairly cheap one to run the basics, at the minimum i would at least get a backup battery for some pumps to keep the water moving.
Yeah... If i decide to rebuild... Trust me the first piece Im buying is a generator. I've learned my lesson... Now I just have to see if I have anything left to rebuild... Losing this much physically hurts...

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Staff member
Board of Directors
NJRC Member
Oh man, I'm sorry to hear that. If you do decide to get running again I'd be happy to make some frag donations.
Sorry to hear that...first thing i added was a whole house auto generator..was afraid i would be asleep or away and power go out and not even know...too much to risk...in 4 seconds it turns on..well worth it.
Sorry to hear that
Hey all.... well first off Thank you to everyone for the kind words, advice and especially the offers of generator use and restocking with fish and corals... I appreciate it tremendously. Thanks again to all...
With the power finally back on I was able to see the damage and it's not good but it's not a total loss... I could still see some loss in the coming hours but as of right now I've gotten all flow back... I've pointed a couple of my power heads to break the surface for added oxygen...
I went and purchased 30 gallons of pre made saltwater and did a partial water change... I am filling my buckets now for a big 50+ gallon water change tomorrow... I have also dosed some Nite-Out-It. I will dose for another day or so and keep my eye on the ammonia.
Survivors are:

6 Blue/Green Chromis
1 Clown (His bonded partner is on his side and I don't believe he will pull thru.)

Lot of crabs... don't see any snails...
1 Lg Emerald crab.
Pencil Urchin
Spiny Urchin
Feather Duster

1 Torch
4 hammers
4 Zoe's
1 anemone
3 Various Star Polyps
Most of my Xena.
1 toad stool
1 Mushroom
Yellow sponge

My refugium is showing no life... the Chaeto and Caulerpa are green and red and look fine...
All copepods, anthepods and half shelled snails (Can't remember their names) are gone... don't see any movement... :(

So I have to be Thankful that it wasn't a total wipe... and believe this is a sign I should continue with my tank... :)
Yes, I will buy a generator... I will start looking tomorrow...LOL!

Thanks again to everyone for all the offers for restocking... It means a lot to me to see people step up like that...
I hope to be back and in position to return the favor to anyone who needs in the future.

njtiger24 aquariums

Officer Emeritus
Article Contributor
have you thought about getting a ups? now it wouldn't help fully in that situation but they do help. I have one connected to my power heads. I will get about 90 mins of uptime on my power heads. I live in an apartment so I can't get a gen also we don't lose power much. sorry to hear about your loss man
Do you have a controller of some kind? I have mine setup to sense a power failure and cut a bunch of equipment off and leave a few things running, like power heads. This allows for about 90 minutes of battery life, not bad. Definitely allows you time to get your generator going and cabled up. I really like this style setup because it saves you when we have the brown outs.

Sorry to hear about the stressful weekend though.