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Lye - Sodium Hydroxide - NaOH - Food Grade (order...)


NJRC Member
This is NOT a group buy, just want to see anyone interested to order together to lower the shipping cost.

this Lye - Sodium Hydroxide - Food Grade is used for recharge RO/DI or Kati-Ani.


they comes in with 2-LB bottles... i need about 20 pounds (should last me for about 2 years),

if buy:

32 LB ==> $49.99 + $37.61 S/H ==> $87.60 ( $2.73 per LB )

64 LB ==> $98.99 + $64.61 S/H ==> $163.60 ( $2.56 per LB )



Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I may be interested. I would like to get together with Paul and learn how to seperate my mixed bed resin and recharge. He may actually be interested, Pm him....When will you need to know a definate answer by? I will need to research before I commit


NJRC Member
i need to order it before June month end.
But, if needed to delay few weeks, it is fine too.
yes, i did PMed few peoples that i think could be interested. Paul is one of them.


NJRC Member
I just got mine locally. If you have an Ace Hardware nearby, you can check for Rooto Drain Opener, it's 100% Lye. I did the research a while back. They sold it for around $3+/lb. I was doing the GFO regen before I started using EcoBAK pellets. It may be worth a try.


NJRC Member
There are 2 type of Lye, they have Technical grade and Food grade.

i don't know much of the different on both, I did some quick search on google, but did not find much useful info about it, for now, I will still stick to the food grade.

actually, i think we can order on our own, IF we not live near by, cause the time and effort to arrange pickup would make this a bad deal...

16 LB ==> 2.68 per LB.