Has anyone in the club used a majano wand or high powered laser to kill aiptasia? I've seen the videos on youtube and other forums and have heard stories but wanted to know if anyone local has personally used them or witnessed them in action.
I am aware of the other removal methods using kalk paste, superglue, vinegar, and boiling water. I personally liked using peppermint shrimp however at this moment I only have two aiptasia and do a lot more target feeding these days and the shrimp will steal food from my corals. A file fish is not an option. I have a 40 breeder.
I am aware of the other removal methods using kalk paste, superglue, vinegar, and boiling water. I personally liked using peppermint shrimp however at this moment I only have two aiptasia and do a lot more target feeding these days and the shrimp will steal food from my corals. A file fish is not an option. I have a 40 breeder.