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Make my MRC-2 into a down draft skimmer Help


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Hi I need some help on how I can turn my MRC-2 Beckett skimmer in to a down draft. I do not like the Beckett at all. MRC-2 is the same size as ETSS 600 or 800. I would like to make into a 800. Because my MRC has room for a second injector.
I am running a Blueline 55 pump.
Thank you all for your help.
Downdraft skimmers are very similar to beckett injector skimmers. the difference is how they mix the air. In a downdraft skimmer, in place of the beckett injector there is about a 2" diameter pipe that could be anywhere from 2 feet to about 6 feet long. At the top of the pipe is an air intake, typically about 1/2" to 3/4" and a water input about the same. The 2" pipe contains mini bio balls. A rather large pressure rated pump is used to supply the skimmer with water and between the force of the water hitting the bio balls and the air coming in, you get a very good mixture of small bubbles.

If you look at the ETSS skimmers, you'll get the idea. See them here - http://www.superskimmer.com/

BTw, the reason you don't see a lot of downdraft skimmers is that A E Tech holds a patent on the design. So, yo ucan make one for your own use, but you can't sell them or give them away.

On downdraft skimmers in general, I have found my ETSS 600 to be excellent, but like anything else, there are downsides. First, you do need to use a pressure rated pump, and that's going to be somewhat expensive to buy and to run. Second, downdraft skimming is extremely aggressive. You might skim out diatoms and other stuff you want, but I have not found this to be a problem. Third, the mini bioballs need to be cleaned or replaced once or twice a year. They tend to pack together and be hard to remove. I made a special tool out of a wire coat hanger. I bent it straight, and then bent a hook in one end so I could get under the mini bioballs and pull them out.