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Mantis shrimp (Brick) Gone(ish)

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Gonodactylus chiragra

Was put up for adoption a few months back (forget the original owner, sorry). Wilson picked it up and cared for it, then recently transferred to me. I thought I'd have capacity for it atm, but I dont, and I feel bad as its been living in a small tank now for almost 2 weeks. Don't want to keep it penned up for another couple of weeks.

Its beige and brown mottled with yellow legs and appendages. Curious and has a personality, sorta growing on me as I work at the desk.



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Sorry it didn't work out.
Timing is the problem. Been a delay with the (second) new tank as the first tank is being worked on. I've got it in a large creature carrier with rock and he's eating mysis fine. Just don't know how long he'll be in holding and feel bad for enclosing him. I expected him to be in holding no more than a week but its going to be much longer.

How much tank do they require
Depends where you look but 30g is good, anything bigger is bonus. Advise a sheet of pvc board, plexi, or starboard on the bottom of the tank. The 'breaking glass' thing is a legend never seen, but some species burrow and repeated smashes mixed with a shifting rocks you'd want a bit of security.

It is back up for adopt as of today (Wednesday).


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Lets lock this one up as well.
Felt too guilty having this guy in a small box and with no immediate adoption in sight set about building him a tank today.
He's now happily cruising about looking for things to kill in a 40b.
About 10 seconds after I released him he swam under the rocks.
I used a long stick (thankfully) a few minnutes later to move a frag and as I did so he came out like Tyson beating the *$&%(%($** out of the stick.
And now he's watching me type this.
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This guy isn't a peacock, he's chiragra, beige/brown top, yellow appendages. Rather generic plain atm.
But they will gather corals and other colorful things near molting to decorate the cave entrance and that will influence molt color.
May drop some superman montiporia in the area at the time to see what happens.
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