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You can use a round plastic water bottle. Cut the top off leaving about an inch with it ,turn it around (invert it) and push it back into the bottle . Should look like a funnel . Add a piece of larger food in the bottle and place it near the rock work where you think the mantis might be . With any luck he will crawl into the hole and since the opening is not easy to find not be able to figure his way out .Even if you dont catch him you'll be surprised to see what else lurks in your tank.
Bottle trick didn't work for me... I took the rock he resided in out and did a very quick dip in RO/DI. The shrimp IMMEDIATELY came out. I quickly caught him and put in a seperate container with original salt water. There seemed to be no harm to the shrimp, rock, or other lifeforms on the rock. I was told the beneficial bacteria would not survive, but I had no noticeable effects. I've also heard high slinity works as well but haven't tried.