• Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.

March Meeting Thanks & Recap

thanks Brian and Debbie for having the meeting it seem more and more people are comming to the meeting each month pretty soon we will have to rent a hall LOL
Sorry i couldnt make it today guys... Had to do wash and work.

We need to have a meeting at the NJ CAMDEN Aquarium and maybe we could volunteer there
Carol and I both had a wonderful time.. I wish I could have stayed longer but she had to pick up her son at 6. Is there any place on the site or some place that there are minutes from the meeting? Just curious. I am also interested in finding out what time donations are available and see if I can meet any of them. Just want to say thank you again to Reef for having us. It was great to meet everyone and get a chance to talk and put faces to names. Can't wait till next month!
Brian and Deb, thanks so much for having us. A great time was had by all. Deb you made Nick's night by sending him home with that box of cookies :)

todays meeting

thank you to Brian and Debbie to open their doors to us for having the meeeting ,it was great the food was awesomeee and it was nice seen everyone there again , im starting to get everyones names when im good , other than that i start having problems ::), anyway it was a great meeting thank you for having my whole family there .

BTW Brian it was an awesome show you put up i felt younger again at a concert , you ROCKKKKKKKKKKKK.

Brian and Deb: Thanks for opening your house to us. I'm glad I was able to make it. Great tank, great time, oh and you know I love the KISS stuff as well.
Brian and Debbie Thanks a lot !.. NIce house, Great tanks,Food is great and lots of reefers :).. I enjoy the meeting and once again thanks



Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Brian & Deb, Thanks so much for letting us INVADE your home! All 100 of us. The food was fantastic, the beer plentiful, great friends... what more could you ask for.

Hope all of the new folks had a good time today. I know I did!

Too late today to get the meeting minutes typed in, but look for them tomorrow!
Thank you Brian and Deb, we had a great time. This was our first meeting, can't wait for the next one. Nice meeting everyone.
Just got home from work. Sounds like I missed a great time! Glad I could make it for the little while that I did. Thank you soo much for opening your home to all of us!
Thanks Brian and Deb!Had a great time and a learned a whole lot as I continue pursuit of getting another tank going. Had to leave a little early as well to give my wife some relief at home. Loved your tanks. I am a BIG Euphyllia fan, so sitting in front of your show was like second heaven.
Thank you Brian and Deb. We had a great time. Was really nice to get to meet everyone and put faces to the names.

Mr. and Mrs. Treadingwater :)

Jack and Karen
Thanks Brian & Deb.Kathy and I had a great time at your house.She must have really enjoyed herself to ask me when we could host a meeting!


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Thanks Everyone! I'm still recovering...I think the last of the crew was out of the house around 11? 11:30? I dunno.. It's kind of blurry :)

We had a good time as well. I still can't believe that many people fit in our house! It was like a "sea" of people in every room... I think there were some people hanging out in the bathroom at one point!!

It was great to see everyone again, I'm sorry if I didn't get to talk to everyone, I was getting pulled every which way.

Now...where are those pictures?!
No, no...thank you. ;)

Really appreciate it guys, you are brave to have hosted so many at once! Griffin and Devlin both announced they had a great time on the way home. Though we may get a sitter next time, it's hard to keep our eye on them and hang out at the same time.

Gotta get a picture of the zoo colony I won in the raffle to post, it's really pretty.

BTW Deb, Devlin went to bed last night telling me about his new friend, "the little black dog who I love". :)

Thanks again!