• Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.

Mark_C - My Propaganda!


Staff member
Board of Directors
NJRC Member
So, BOD Central Director.

My platform against my worthwhile opponent, er..., um..., well, OK, anyways...

My thoughts...

1. Defend the members during meets

In 2003 groundbreaking research revealed that 1 in every 200 males hold some line of descent from Genghis Khan.

As such I feel we need to up security at the meets from a Mongol threat.

As any attack would likely involve cavalry I would advise a simple and cost effective defense of caltrops scattered within a quarter mile of any meet location and, if budget allows, a unit of long pikemen to surround said location.

2. Communicate with regional vendors

With member’s help we’ve put together an extensive list of active reef shops in NJ. I plan to ask help from the north and central directors to reach out to these shops and request they allow us to advertise in the form of door flyer, internal poster, and business/membership cards on the counter.

Shops would be called 1x per month to see if all was good, ask if WE could do anything for THEM, and build relationships.

3. Advertise

I’ve been working on, and submitted for approval:

- a vinyl NJRC sticker for cars and such
- a clear logo vinyl sticker for tanks
- a few thoughts on posters
- a banner for public display
- a new brochure (working on now)
- a insulated ‘frag bag’ (lunchbag) with our logo for new members.
- A new combination membership form/raffle ticket to be used at public events.

I have posted info to BOD as well as outlines and initial artwork a couple weeks back and am awaiting response regarding budget and a green light to move ahead.

4. Light a few fires under arses

I posted the info from the above a couple weeks ago, along with cost analysis, and am itching and ready to go forward, yet have had only 1 response from a current BOD member. At this point, had there been response, we would have completed artwork and printing in progress (if not finished pieces).

5. Talk to other clubs

So, when myrjon (with his lovely family) and I joined the Aquarium Society for their freshwater meet, it was amazing how many of the freshwater folks were interested in salt water. Great potential draw and great way to share memberships and experiences. Would like to take some votes and expand on this.

Note we would never ‘merge’, but it would be nice to have the ability to reach out to some clubs for ‘freshwater’ advice for those of us interested while offering ‘saltwater’ advice to those that want to learn.

6. The swap?

IF we’re going to try to run a frag swap, we can’t be half baked, we need to go full force and work for it. Willing to volunteer myself as a second to the new Pres in order to facilitate a structured timeline to realistically get this thing going.

7. The Old Guard

Would also like to reach out to the Emeritus Reefers that have dwindled recently, discuss why or what has occurred to diminish their participation with the club, and what can be done or modified to get them back. I know Edwin has expressed same. Their experience and knowledge is priceless and the many new members (and some of us medium members) can learn a ton from them.

So, yeah, that’s sorta my thoughts.
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Would we have pike practice during meetings? Would there be a draft of reefer militia to fight these hoards? Or would we just study pikeblennies and drink draft beer?