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Mark's 65 Gallon Reef Tank Adventure

diana a

Staff member
NJRC Member
IMG_1994.JPG I have been using fluval canisters for years with no problem. The way I treat the canister is like a sump. There are no pads inside to collect food/poo. The only thing inside is a (2)bag of BRS Rox carbon and Matrix biomedia. I replace the (1) carbon bag per month.

I placed attached a CPR overflow box in the tank. Inside the box I placed a light grate to float in the middle. On top of the grate I place felt to act as a filter sock. The debris is trapped there and not in the canister. The filter pad is easily changed ever other day. I have the canister intake and the hob skimmer intake also inside the overflow box


Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
Touch it n see what happens.....could be a sponge but I'm not sure
I have been having a few problems with my SPS. The Duncan lost 3 heads. I check parameters, changed carbon and a 15 gallons or water change.
My coralline algae is disappearing due to the asterina sea stars. I placed a harlequin into the tank. I rarely have one on my glass, but there were 4 on today. You can see the shrimp in the background with one of the asterina on the glass.
One of those on the glass changed colors from green to white, even when back on the rock.


Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
If you see 4, you may have alot more than that.

I know I have a ton in my tank
I have a lot in my tank. And they are always green. But they usually stay on the rocks because I had lots of coralline algae. It is funny that when I put the harlequin in, several went to the glass or turned white like they were afraid. I sort of reminded me that when a killer whale kills a great white, all the great whites in the area leave.
After 2 + years, I am starting to get some algae. I am not sure if it is hair algae or some form of mat algae. The tang, angelfish and emerald crabs do not seam to eat it. I have tried removing a few covered live rocks. I also placed cardboard in my window to cut out some daylight. I attribute this more to the use of a canister filter and possibly my HOB protein skimmer setting (dry). I installed a HOB refugium today and will start it up when I get some chaetomorpha algae (or preferably some Dragon's breath). I realized I hadn't posted in a while. This setup is more like an all-in-one than a reef setup, as I don't have room for a sump in my stand. I wouldn't recommend it for an LPS or SPS reef tank. I now have an ATO installed as well.


diana a

Staff member
NJRC Member
I have never tried this product but have heard it works. Right now my algae is being eaten by 5 turbo snails but they cause a massive amount of poop!:eek: Being bare bottomed I see it collecting in the front of my tank floor. I vacuum it out daily



Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
correct mark redirect growth of algae to some where else with cheato.cut down on feeding too.snails....