Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.
Yeah Steve, I think they stand poised waiting for my "Dumb face of the month" to happen. And when it does flash flash flash the cameras go off like the night sky over a fourth of July celebration. Unfortunately they don't usually have to wait very long. I'm a pretty easy target. ;D
Bummer you couldn't be there. It was like MACNA all over again with the member raffles on dry goods!
I had a great time. Thanks Jen and Kerry.
I do have one question though. We all had to take our shoes off at the door but in the picture Chis has his shoes on. How can that be, trick photography i guess. LOL
I had a great time. Thanks Jen and Kerry.
I do have one question though. We all had to take our shoes off at the door but in the picture Chis has his shoes on. How can that be, trick photography i guess. LOL