Hello NJ Reefers!!!!!!!!!
As the BOD turns its attention to increasing our ranks. I want to ask the community (especially non-paid members and guest) . What would make you jump the fence from a member to a paid/contributing member to our site? Nothing is out of bounds and everything will be entertained....
We will keep a close eye on this thread and will use it to formulate our strategy for the next few months that will again focus on bringing on more paid members.
Please note any personal attacks or non-contributory post will be removed. The BOD wants to maintain a nice clean constructive dialogue
Let your voices be heard!!!!!
NJRC President
As the BOD turns its attention to increasing our ranks. I want to ask the community (especially non-paid members and guest) . What would make you jump the fence from a member to a paid/contributing member to our site? Nothing is out of bounds and everything will be entertained....
We will keep a close eye on this thread and will use it to formulate our strategy for the next few months that will again focus on bringing on more paid members.
Please note any personal attacks or non-contributory post will be removed. The BOD wants to maintain a nice clean constructive dialogue
Let your voices be heard!!!!!
NJRC President