I am having problems with microsbubbles.. My 120 drains into a 29g Sump, I wanted to use a 40 Breeder, however it wouldn't fit into the Glass Cages stand. Anyway even after my Baffles in my sump tiny micro bubbles are making their way to the return pump. I have about 300-350 gph running through my sump.
The bubbles are created from the water coming down the overflow and crashing into the sump.
My drain is all hard PVC, Would using spa flex under the tank be better? I would prefer not to use a Filter Sock.... Any suggestions ?
The bubbles are created from the water coming down the overflow and crashing into the sump.
My drain is all hard PVC, Would using spa flex under the tank be better? I would prefer not to use a Filter Sock.... Any suggestions ?