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Mike's 315 Gallon Build

My current 120 has been up for a little over a year and a half. I think it was finally getting to the point where it was really starting to settle in and do well. Despite that I've had the upgrade bug for a while. A few months ago I mentioned to Spotter that I was looking to jump up to a tank in the 200 to 300 gallon range at some point. Thankfully he remembered that and about a month ago offered me a great deal on his tank when he decided to move. It was an opportunity that I couldn't pass up.

The first hurdles were figuring out if would fit into my basement, how to get it out Steve's basement and into mine and most importantly getting approval from our home zoning officer ie wife. The tank measures 72 by 36 by 28 with an additional 6 inches for an external overflow and weighs in at 650 pounds so it took some planning. Some carpentry work, a great moving company, and a little marital bribery resolved those issues and it was delivered a few days ago. :)


Now the fun of planning and setting it up begins. If all goes as planned I expect to transfer over my fish and corals in about 4 to 6 weeks. I'm going to keep my rockwork more open this time. I have about 80 pounds of pukani rock in my current tank and another 50 to 80 pounds of pukani cooking. I'll start with that and see if anymore is needed. I'm also going to try a very shallow sanded this time with just a few deeper areas for leopard wrasses.

I bought most of my equipment with the thought that I'd be jumping up to a larger tank in the near future. My skimmer and calcium reactor should be Ok for a while until my bioload really increases. I have a pair of WP40s on their way to provide flow along with 2 MP40s.

I've really been struggling with how to light it since the 36 inch width poses some challenges. I'm currently running a pair of Apollo leds and t5s. I was fairly happy with that setup especially once I added the t5s. I was really considering going with LEDs for this tank but have been really hesitant to invest in them at this point. It's not that I don't think that the work but that there still seem to be a lot of changes going on with them. In the end I've decided to start with a pair of 4 X 80 watt ATI sunpower fixtures. I'll see how that works and consider supplementing them with LEDs.

Hopefully in the next week I'll be able to start plumbing the tank to the sump closet and start filling it. Also need to figure out how I'll skim the stand.

Mike I think you are going to need about 300 to 400 pounds of rock, I did RBU1 tank and that was a 300 gallon tank, we used about 600 pounds of rock. What a beauty when it was done.
I'm glad things worked out Mike and you got the tank. When I first set tank up I had 300lbs of pukani rock and it was just too crowded. When I switched rocks I went with 150 in the display and another 100 in a remote tank just for rock. I've seen a lot of successful tanks that don't follow the 1-2lb per gallon rule of thumb. It comes down to bio load and personal preference.

I will be following along with envy as this new build develops.

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Is that a Brian Dawkins jersey I see?

The one and only. Good eye!

Mike I think you are going to need about 300 to 400 pounds of rock, I did RBU1 tank and that was a 300 gallon tank, we used about 600 pounds of rock. What a beauty when it was done.

Yep it doesn't really sound like much but the pukani rock is extremely porous and light. I originally tried to get 90 lbs in my 120 and it was stuffed. I ended up with around 60 or 70 lbs in the display and it still seems too much. In addition to my sump I'm going to have another 45 gallon tank plumbed into the system so I'll have some more room for rock if I need it.
I'm glad things worked out Mike and you got the tank. When I first set tank up I had 300lbs of pukani rock and it was just too crowded. When I switched rocks I went with 150 in the display and another 100 in a remote tank just for rock. I've seen a lot of successful tanks that don't follow the 1-2lb per gallon rule of thumb. It comes down to bio load and personal preference.

I will be following along with envy as this new build develops.

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Steve is that what you had in your cryptic tank 100 pounds?


NJRC Member
Wow nice tank, looks like you made the move alright, did you have to mod the stand to get it down the stairs and through the door?
Wow nice tank, looks like you made the move alright, did you have to mod the stand to get it down the stairs and through the door?

No but I had to mod the door. :) I ended up pulling out the door and the jack studs and it was still a 1/2 too big. Luckily I was just able to cut away some more drywall and it just made it. I installed a new door and thankfully the molding covered up what I cut out.
Mike, I have a ton of PVC fittings you're welcome to have, I got these from Tom (tgee) mostly 3/4" through 1 1/2", and never used them.
Mike I think you are going to need about 300 to 400 pounds of rock, I did RBU1 tank and that was a 300 gallon tank, we used about 600 pounds of rock. What a beauty when it was done.
I remember that 300. What a beauty that was. I had gotten a few things from that tank when I had the 75. Mike.. Good luck with this build. Can't wait to see what you do with it. I'm guessing you are still up in the air about the lights? EDIT: I read back and saw that you decided to go T5.
Thanks guys.

Jim thanks for the offer. I may take you up on it. I have a tote full of fittings but for some reason it never has what I need. I started going through it the other night looking for some 1.5" 90 degrees and threaded male/slip female connectors and struck out. I need to swing by your place sometime and return your trap. I was never able to catch the mystery wrasse. He's been on good behavior but will probably still evict him when I break down the tank.
I made some progress in the past week. I replaced the shelving in the walk in closet that is going to house my sump and equipment. I built a rack for the sump and frag tank twice. I was smart enough to allow myself enough height for the skimmer to sit in the sump. Unfortunately when I placed the sump and frag tank on the rack I realized that I hadn't accounted for getting the bottom of the skimmer into the sump. :banghead: Luckily I hadn't painted it yet and after a quick run to Lowes for some more 2x4s I replaced the legs and painted it up.

Today I plumbed the overflow and returns so that I could slide the tank back into place. I also painted and hung the rails for the lights. After checking that it was level in added 90 for Reef Flakes, ran a line from my RO and started filling it up. I only have a 76 gpd RO so it will probably be the middle of the week by the time it is full.