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Mint red Acan

Just bought this Mint red Acan colony from Aquatic auction which I found advertised here on NJRC. It has about 38 heads and measures 4 1/2 inches square. Hopefully shipping goes well. This will be my first Acan


Officer Emeritus
Staff member
Congrats, I have never won an auction (have tried) I hear they ship their coral pieces like human organs. You should be fine.
i have tried with this site a couple of times and lost. for this beauty I waited right down to the last 2 minutes and went back and forth 3 times with another bidder and finally won. it was kinda fun. $5 incriments and it was at $69 when I started bidding and my final winning bid was $96. Like I said this is my first Acan so I'm pretty stoked.
Nice grab, I bought an acan colony from them as well, came in a heart cooler! Overnight for 17 bucks isnt so bad either....
Audi0s said:
Nice grab, I bought an acan colony from them as well, came in a heart cooler! Overnight for 17 bucks isnt so bad either....
How long did it take them to ship it out. already charged my card but haven't emailed about shipping date.

To improve the likelihood that the coral arrives on a weekday and does not sit at a shipping facility over a weekend, products won on auction will be shipped on either Monday or Wednesday, after payment authorization for the item has been processed. We may also choose to hold the shipment due to inclement weather or other shipping concerns, to ensure the live and healthy arrival of all coral sold. If this is necessary you will be notified via email of the shipment delay and of the new shipping date as soon as we are able to resume shipments.
no problem. I was also thinking about bidding but then was wondering about how the shipping goes...congrats!
It's here! packaging was great, water was a little cool but the Acan looks great. I'll try to post a pic after it acclimates. ;D
I have won a couple from them, and AquaticAuctions ship their fare well.

About acans:
They are a pretty easy corals to keep, given that your tank has enough food in the water column. They are hardy by nature and would do fine a wide variity of light conditions. I feed the tank phyto once a week and whenever I feel like indulging them (every random number of days later) ..I target feed oyster feast.

About AquaticAuctions:
If you want to buy a coral, there is no way you can not win. Unlike ebay, where people can sneak in a bid at the last moment, in aquatic auctions when a bid is entered in the last couple of minutes, the ending time is increased by 4 more minutes giving you an oppurtunity to counter it.

If there is a coral that takes your fancy, get permission from your respective head quarters ;) and allocate around $150-$200 for it. You should be able to win mostly anything that comes up. Ever since I have set up my new tanks, I have decided to buy less and buy quality. ... scratch that, just buy quality ;D

I am in the verge of bankruptcy but my corals are enjoying every moment of it.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
reeferwanabe said:
frags? what happenend to your icon with the ferret or whatever it was? I laughed hard when I first saw that. It was you right need?

Dave, I think you're thinking of "needreefunds".