Hey everyone, hope your having a nice President's Day weekend so far. I'm seeing next week's meeting is in Cherry Hill, which is only about a half hour from me. Got me thinking, and while I haven't approached the wife yet about going, I am wondering what one of these meetings is like. Do folks swap coral? Stories? Both? I read about local growlers, so having a couple brews with people that speak my language in coral would be fun.
I'm fairly new to the club, and while I started keeping marine aquariums in the 80s, it wasn't until the 90s that I really dove in. Kept a reef in some capacity ever since, through three house moves, and marriage with children (hearing echoes of Al Bundy). Now that I'm middle aged (ugh!) and more settled in, over the past couple of years I have really reinvested myself into this "hobby". Figured it's time for me to start sharing some of my experiences. While I have a number of friends from my high school and college years that are awesome to have a brew with, if I said zooxanthellae, they would probably say "God bless you". Starting to think about how I can help progress local reefers now.
I'm fairly new to the club, and while I started keeping marine aquariums in the 80s, it wasn't until the 90s that I really dove in. Kept a reef in some capacity ever since, through three house moves, and marriage with children (hearing echoes of Al Bundy). Now that I'm middle aged (ugh!) and more settled in, over the past couple of years I have really reinvested myself into this "hobby". Figured it's time for me to start sharing some of my experiences. While I have a number of friends from my high school and college years that are awesome to have a brew with, if I said zooxanthellae, they would probably say "God bless you". Starting to think about how I can help progress local reefers now.