As the title states, I am moving and must sell my Saltwater Reef tank and its contents.
The Tank/Setup:
- Marineland 200DD- 97044 200 gal (48" x 36" x 27"), 2 overflows
- Custom 36 inch tall Espresso stained stand w/ 12 inch Canopy
- Super Reef Octopus SRO 3000INT Skimmer
- Reef Octpus 6 inch Waste Collector w/ overflow switch
- Neptune Apex Aquacontroller w/ 2 power strips, temp/ph/salinity sensors, and break out box
- Trigger Systems 10 gal ATO tank w/ pump and float switch (controlled by Apex)
- Jebao DC return Pump
- 2 Ecotech VorTech MP 40w pumps
- 2 Ecotech Radion XR30w G4 PRO LED lights
- Ecotech ReefLink to control lights and pumps
- BRS dual Reactor w/ pump
- 2 4ft dual bulb T5 light fixtures that I run with the Radions for some extra coverage
- ADHI 45 Sump/Refugium
- 2 high powered heaters
- Ecotech Battery Backup (needs cables)
This current set up has been up and running for 4 years. The Radions and ReefLink were purchased 1/8/2017. Jebao DC Pump is about 1.5 years old. T5 bulbs changed when Radions were installed.
I will include the 6 stage RODI system and 30 gal mixing tank
I have extra filters/media/cleaners/etc which are included
The Livestock:
Fish: Volitan Lion. Miniatus Grouper. Atlantic Blue Tang. All have been in the tank for a year.
I had a previous tank which most of my corals came from so most of the corals I have had for almost 8 years. The large Clam I have owned for over 7 years. The smaller Clam is probably 2 years old. There is everything from Darth Maul ZOAS to a very large Toadstool leather (which when the corals were moved from my last tank to is one split to another 5 corals). There are a couple Ricordia's, a very large colony of Euphyllia, a couple Anemonies (it split), and sooo much more. The tank probably had 300-350lb of live rock, maybe even more.
I know there is a lot missing. If you need it to run this tank, I have it. Please feel free to text/call as that may be the fastest easiest way to communicate.
I would like to sell the tank/corals as a package right now. I cannot sell equipment until livestock is gone. I will entertain offers for some of the larger corals/Clam. There are so many completely filled rocks with so many different combinations of corals that it would be impossible to list and price each one individually. If anyone is interested in the fish and want to help me catch them I will give them away to a good home.
Asking $5,000 or best offer.