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MP40 Question

So hooked up the pump yesterday got a great deal on one and added the battery backup from AO.
Question I have is for me the battery backup doesn't set all the way in on the controller. Is this normal?

PS thanks Mike for the tutorial...I have it on yellow.


Officer Emeritus
Staff member
You can test it by "powering off" the unit (unplugging it) and see how it goes.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
James, the plug from the VorTech backup supply doesn't go all the way in for mine either. Just push it in until it doesn't go any more.

Also, if you test it (by pulling the main power cable out of the controller) the MP-40 should still work, but only at like 30% or something... so the flow rate will be lower than normal.
OK thanks...since I just set it up yesterday I wasn't even sure if the battery was charged or not. I will give it a go when I get home tonight thanks guys. Glad to know yours is the same George.