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My 24g aquapod PC

I need to try some different things with our junky old camera to get some better shots but I wanted to post something here. I'll get around to posting the start to the tank later when I find the photos of the couple mods etc.

Here is my 24g aquapod, it's hard to tell in the photo but the rocks are shaped in sort of a horseshoe and there is a small cave on the lower left. Things are pretty overgrown right now and need to be rearranged/fragged/etc but it gives you an idea.

Also here is Marvin, my purple firefish, who is my favorite (and I like my rock/flower anemone in the background as she has a bright pink mouth)
My neon green toadstool which is my favorite coral (it is now quite a bit bigger and hosts my clown)

more photos soon hopefully :)


That is amazing! Is that stock lighting? Beautiful and colorful selection.. Awesome job! Tell us a little about the setup..
Aww ::blushing:: thanks guys, you just made my morning. None of my friends/family know anything about sw tanks so if they see it they just check out the fish and usually say "are those plants (ie corals) alive?" ::) The tank needs some work right now, way to much stuff down on the sand and I want to get those long polyp yellows off that frag and remove those teal green ones all together from the right lower side and my big hairy shroom thing did nothing for months and months but now it keeps dropping babies, went from one to one with 6 babies :eek:

The tank is the PC version with stock lighting and one fan that I need to replace and wire up a 2nd (so far no heat issues but I tend to keep the house at 68 in the winter and 72 in the summer). As for mods I replaced the stock pump with a mj900 and hydro on the stock outlet. I drilled another outlet on the other side, used another mj900 with a locline Y on that side. I do a weekly 5g water change using tropic marin and run chemipure & purigen in the back. I don't dose anything else (I was doing one drop per week of Lugol's but lately I've forgotten and haven't seen any changes). I do have some cursed flatworms in there but I'm to scared to dose FWE since they aren't bad... also have some mystery zoa killing thing going on every now and then, but all in all the tank is easy and I really enjoy it.

This was my first SW tank, don't laugh but I can't remember when I got it going, I think Oct last year (mommy brain coupled with the move from MI to NJ has wiped my memory LOL) I moved everything the 12+ hours in a rubbermaid in Dec (and had both the airpump and heater not work for the whole drive) sadly lost 3 of my 4 fish, but only a couple corals.

I think I have photos from when I first started the tank and the mods somewhere, if I can find them I'll toss them up here :)

I know what you mean looking at some of the pics of peoples nano tanks makes me want to start by own little nano as well
can you tell me your water params..


i would like my green toady to look like that but it's not nearly as happy as yours.
mgonz said:
wow you really did an amazing job with it. looks great. beautiful rock work.

Mark- and everyone else that followed...

you realize you are responding to posts that are over a year old? ::) ???
hmm..this tank looks really familiar :)..i might have seen this on another forum? anyway its awsome i was alwas wondering if anybody had a sick stock tank and you proved it :)
The tank looks great. i also have a aquqpod 24gal. But it has the 70 watt MH light setup on it. But i haven't set up yet do you have suggestion that i should do? its my 1st reef tank but not my 1st salt water.