So one day I got a call from a friend asking if I wanted to drive up to nyaquatics with him to pick up some fish. We drove to New Rochelle, picked out all of the fish. We had 3 people orders, over $1000 total. By the time I got home and dripped the new fish, some were looking bad already. Another one of the guys who got fish said 6 were dead by the time he got home. We didnt say anything and didnt call him about it. The next time we mail ordered instead of picking the fish up. We ordered another $700 or so in fish, they were packed with 48 hour heat packs, and 24 hours later when we opened the box ALL the fish were dead, and the water inside the bags was 58.4. We called him back and he hemmed and hawed and decided to give us $200 in credit. So I drove back up and did another order for myself and another member, $400 this time. The 2 blotchy's I bought are both dead now, as is the bangaii cardinal I bought. If you watch him unwrap the bags they throw the fish into buckets from waist high, I was there as they were unpacking. He sells fish that havent acclimated to his tank yet, right out of the bucket, half dead, and he was bagging them up for other people. I am not going to buy anything from him again, cheaper is definitely not better. Be careful and think twice about putting an order in with him.