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My first nano. 20g High.

IMG_0365.JPG I had some spare equipment laying around and had a itch to start a nano. Petco was running their sale of dollar per gallon. I really wanted to do a 5.5 or 10g. But we settled on 20 high because of a stand I already had and it's 24 inches long. When I first got into the hobby I wanted to do the nano cube but was talked out of because of unfamiliarity with saltwater.

Onto the project. We scored the tank first and used it to house water for some rock I was curing. Once I got ahold of nice live rock from sunny I was ready to launch this tank.

I got two pumps on opposite sides running clockwise and my heater going at 80 degrees. Still running bare bottom and 50/50 on adding sand. Just took two handfuls of my livesand to add to it.
Mechanical filtration is the AC70 with a half cut sponge then polyfiber floss (quilt batting) then stock ceramic and rings. All separated by eggcrate. Eventually gonna run chemipure or equivalent. I really like what I hear about rox 0.8.

I'm thinking of going hermit crab route because of the price and did snails last time. Livestock up in the air for now. Comments questions and opinions welcomed.


Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
A simple set up, should be fine as long you maintain a weekly water change schedule.

Looks good. Lighting will definitely determine what kind of corals you can have (if any). My step bro has a 20 high as well and he seems to really enjoy it.
20 high is a nice tank for a nano, if I may make a suggestion if you have water returns try running the return into the water and down low into the tank instead of pouring out near the top this will help create a nice movement in the water colum