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My fish are dying...:(


hcker99 said:
Unfortunately the clowns didn't make it. They survived about a day in QT and then passed. I'm still working to get the damsel out of the dt to put in qt. I just find it odd that he has no signs of any sickness and eats like a pig.

I'm still trying to pin point exactly how marine velvet made it into my tank. I had the tang for a couple weeks before he showed an symptoms and seemed fine up until that point. No other fish were added before he passed. The only thing different is i purchased RO water from a different LFS then i normally go to. Is it possible that it might have been in the water?

Sorry to hear about the clowns, as for the damsel they are extremely hardy and its probably strong enough to fight it off on its own. The Velvet could have always been in your tank and some stress factor made the fish succeptible to it. IMO Velvet and ICH can just appear out of nowhere, due to the fish becoming stressed for any reason. It defintely did not come from the RO water.