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my incoming water's TDS is 847 !!!


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
HERE is David's Water Quality Report.

EDIT TO ADD: Oops! I just saw that this is one of the links Taz has above.

Anyway, the report shows that they are already using chloramines as a disinfectant. Also, if I remember correctly TDS has a recommended upper limit of 500. Once you pass that the water could start to discolor and have taste issues.

The other point is that the majority of the water supplied to this area comes for surface water which obviously was disturbed during Irene. I'm sure within a month or so the TDS levels will drop back down.


NJRC Member
Irene was passed for 2 months... no different yet on my TDS.

Thank you for Taz and Paul to get the report... which what it mean in English?? it is safe? how safe? as I had been watch out for one simple TDS which they did not mentioned... d*** these reports is 10x harder than to read/understand then java code...


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
if I remember correctly TDS has a recommended upper limit of 500. Once you pass that the water could start to discolor and have taste issues.
Paul, you are correct and the BPU uses that as the high limit and the water company is supoposed to be way lower than that. I would be calling all over to find out what is going on! Probably check the TDS meter first though even though you have the tell tale signs of TDS burning through your resins so fast.

As far as the chloromines, I had the letter and deleted it accidentally. I will get it again tomorrow. they may be using chloromines a little now, but there must be a major change coming if they have to send out notices to every customer and it SPECIFICALLY talks about fish and aquariums in it!