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My journey back into reefing......

Hello Everyone! I am new to this club. I had a reef tank years ago, had to break down due to a statewide move.
Recently I tried it again but this time I decided to go nano. And to my expectations I think it is more difficult to go nano then reg size. My first nano build was a Mr. aqua 18x18x18 25 gallon. After 3 weeks I got the worst algae bloom. and after 2 weeks of trying to rescue it and 150.00 in additives I gave up and tore it down to the bones and restarted again. The new start is a week old and looks much better.


This was pics of my first nano build. It was a theme from AVATAR. of the floating island connected to a lagoon via a wooden bridge. This no longer exists.
My restarted tank is this now.


So far its looking ok, Nothing special, but i enjoy a reef tank and I will try my best to put one together.
Thanks for viewing and hope to meet some of you reefers.
I kinda put the rocks in a circle pattern and left the middle for future (Rock anemones )
For water movement I am using these Nano sun sun. No, no vortechs here, at least not yet, can't afford them. But a 25 gallon these little $7 guys move some water. And in addition I ordered this macro flow swing from marine depot for $20. It will attach to my return when I set up my sump.uploadfromtaptalk1463237095245.jpg

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View attachment 13197
I kinda put the rocks in a circle pattern and left the middle for future (Rock anemones )
View attachment 13198
For water movement I am using these Nano sun sun. No, no vortechs here, at least not yet, can't afford them. But a 25 gallon these little $7 guys move some water. And in addition I ordered this macro flow swing from marine depot for $20. It will attach to my return when I set up my sump.View attachment 13199
AView attachment 13201View attachment 13200

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And for a skimmer I'm using a Nano hydor. This little guy is very quiet and does a great job.

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Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
View attachment 13197
I kinda put the rocks in a circle pattern and left the middle for future (Rock anemones )
View attachment 13198
For water movement I am using these Nano sun sun. No, no vortechs here, at least not yet, can't afford them. But a 25 gallon these little $7 guys move some water. And in addition I ordered this macro flow swing from marine depot for $20. It will attach to my return when I set up my sump.View attachment 13199
AView attachment 13201View attachment 13200

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I like the little cove you got there
Well Guys here is a little update on my nano. as you all know I recently started up so I am now going through that wonderful cycle period of Diatom. Did a little testing so here it is:
Calcium: 375 a bit low
Alk 8.6 not bad from what i here
Ammonia 0.25 good but I believe this is a false reading due to nitrates. again from what I've read..is this true?
Nitrates 100 bad, but this is expected in a cycle.
Please, I would love to here your inputs.
I do run Phos and Nox-8. will post some pics shortly.

Just got this little guy on sale at ACC. But I never get to see him, always hiding.

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Just got this little guy on sale AR ACC. But I never get to see him, always hiding.

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I know bad pic. He was out for 4 seconds. He is a yellow gobi. I was looking for a citron, but no luck in this neck of the woods.

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This guy was at tropaquarium. I really want this guy but I couldn't afford him. Price tag 180. Ouch!

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And for the sump build, I have cut out all the pieces and getting ready to glue them in place. From bottom left is the 1 stage water from tank pours into second stage which ic for skimmer and media reactor (bottom right), then up and down through baffles to top right is the refugium and finally top left is return compartment which will have ports for dosing and ports for future probes. Will post finished when done.

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are you going to drill the tank as well to accommodate the sump?

Well that was the topic of discussion on RC. I have no luck with stuff like that. It would happen to me that my tank would just crack! Beside I would have to take everything out of it and that would be a huge project, even for a nano. So I came up with this crazy idea. But I'm afraid to share it. lol.
So i figured to try it out first and then share it!
But then I thought what about if I can actually get awesome suggests as I go along with this nano project.

So here it is. Hope you all can follow along.
My first setup was a failure, so I broke it down and restarted.
Second attempt! A bit more patient (even though my girl doesn't think so), I am now at the cycle stage of Diatom! Yip Eeeeeee!....
I had a custom made 18x18x18 AIO. Removed AIO baffle system and added on a HOB Aqueon filter $30. (i know, i know, but it is what it is..)
I removed the factory pads it came with and inserted,
As follows: (purchased the 5 pad kit 18x10)
I believe deep blue makes these.
1. Filter floss pad
2. Ammonia destroyer ( yeah right!)
3. Carbon pad
4. Nitrate remover (uhmm hmm)
5.Phosphate remover. (ok)
and a mix from ACC of Phos & Nox8
So I am now at the point of added a sump to my nano system.
Purchased a 12x12x12 Deep Blue from TA, Had leftover acrylic and cut out some baffle and separators. I believe I have a decent pattern flow of water according to what I've read.
I have the filter sock, bulkheads, screen strainer, control valves, hose, IDK a few things to complete this sumo addition. ($43)
Salifert Test Kits: Calcium, Alk/KH, Ammonia, Nitrate, Is what I was told I would need to start.
As always, suggestions welcomed.
No Overflow box. So I have decided to drill the side of the HOB filter Instead of drilling the back, insert a 1/2" bulkhead with a flat screen strainer on the inside 3/4 of the way up so minimal back flow siphon.
And for a return I have a rRio something that 267 GPH $13. Attached at the end of the return line is a Macro swing from MD ($20) as part of my ghetto wave maker for the time being. With two sun sun pumps ($7. a piece)
Chinese LED, Thermometer, Heater.
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