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My new 40 breeder




Lion and angler tank is doing great!

Twisteds 40 breeder
Today I had to drive up to exit 131 for business and figured I'd swing by ao while I'm here :). I need one or two last sps frags to finish my top rocks. I think every sps in my tank is from ao other than the green slimer and nana I just put in. Hope to find a raspberry color. Might try a Millie although I've never had luck with them. Never did well with montis before but my Jedi is looking sweet! Maybe the tides have turned

Twisteds 40 breeder
I'm pretty happy with what I came home with. I only get up to ao once or twice a year but am always impressed with the stock, store and service. Absolutely love the dt they have. That hammer is massive!
I don't k ow all the names but this is it
Sunset Millie
Blue bottlebrush? Red polyps.
A red rosali?
And two more I forgot.

Twisteds 40 breeder
Tank is doing awesome and I recently got to do a little rearrange while removing the powder brown. His new home was ready! Finally! Now all I have is a pair of clowns. I'm planning to add a mandarin and some kind of blenny or goby. Not sure though. Maybe a blue spot jaw. It's been on my love to have list for years...

Twisteds 40 breeder
Looks great Len! After having so many big tanks over the years, I wasn't sure I'd be happy with the smaller tank, but I do like my 30 gallon! It keeps my "hoarding" tendencies down too by compressing the space I have available! LOL!

Great job, tho, looks fantastic!
Looks great Len! After having so many big tanks over the years, I wasn't sure I'd be happy with the smaller tank, but I do like my 30 gallon! It keeps my "hoarding" tendencies down too by compressing the space I have available! LOL!

Great job, tho, looks fantastic!

It was hard breaking away from the big tank but I'm really happy I did. It keeps my desire to try this and that and this also. For me it was a huge stress remover. My corals look better than ever!

Twisteds 40 breeder
Looking great Len, how is the back doing?

My back is fried...doctors are trying to figure out how I've made it this far working as hard as I do and not taking meds and having surgery. They want me on disability but thats not gonna happen. Lol here's my list of injury
Broken screws and staples in both knees and arthritis
Carple in both wrists and arthritis
6 disks and fractures
Damaged alder nerves in elbows
So, all these are documented through MRI mra cat scans and X-rays yet I go I work every day building pools and working like a dog and could jump on my bmx bike and still crack out a backflip. yet people hurt their backs and become part of the system taxpayers have to support. Somethings not right about that

Twisteds 40 breeder
Ill be happy too. They look really cool under just blues. Once they grow onto the rock I'll pull the frag disk and they are yours

Twisteds 40 breeder
Meetings are tough to make in the summer but I'm planning a trip to all the fish stores up north soon. I just gotta get back on my feet after blowing my back out. Ill let you know

Twisteds 40 breeder