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My new Warner Marine Research K-2 Cone Skimmer


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
The skimmer has a footprint of about 10.5 x 14.5. The cones base is about 9.25" and the neck is 4.5". The total height is 21.75". It is powered by a single Sicce pump modified by Warner Marine. It flows more air and water than any other commerically available Sicce PSK-2500 PinWheel. Warner Marine modified Sicce for the K-2 has been set at 950LPH MAX air flow. It comes standard with a silencer, the pump is mounted on it's own stand, the skimmer base and the pump base are equipped with rubber feet to cut down on noise and vibration. It draws 19-21W depending on water level or about 48LPH of air flow per watt!

Let's look at some of the competitors.


Cone Base 8"
Neck 4.0"
Air Flow 750LPH @21W

Rated at 249 Gallons


Cone Base 11"
Neck 5.25"
Air Flow 750LPH @21W

Rated at 255 Gallons (Med Bioload)

I-Tech 200

Cone Base 8"
Neck 4"
Air Flow 600-700LPH @ 21W

Rated at 200 Gallons

So the K-2 is

Cone Base 9.25"
Neck 4.5"
Air Flow 950LPH @ 19-21W

So I will be selling my MRC-2 skimmer and a blueline 55 pump

Now I have some photos for you to look at.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Re: My new Warner Marine Cone Skimmer K-2

Time for my Photos






I just love these cone skimmers, seems so intuitive a design to me. Please let us know how it works for you.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I am hoping to have my new sump that I'm making finish by tonight. I will then leak test it. If all is good I will have all tied together by this weekend. I have been breaking it in a old sump that I have. The foam coming in to the cup looks like cotton candy.
I will post more photos when all is done