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Nano-cube 28g

Tank has been going for more than 2yrs. Still having alage problems come and go... Ran into problems more than once from running my light to high. Recently had a high nutrients I couldn't figure out. Turns out my few year old swing arm refractmeter with the numbers worn off and arm sticking wasn't working right.... Duh. Its been @6 weeks running at the correct salinty and things are improving. I went more than 1 year without adding anything to my tank but in the last few weeks I picked up a few things that are doing well.
Dismantled a crappy 55g, picked up a glass cutter and some silicon and started cutting. Ruined some glass before getting a consistent score but ended up having enough. Made a mess with the silicon but got better with it as I went along. Fun project with less than 20.00 out of pocket.


Officer Emeritus
That is pretty cool. I'm sure you'll learn from this and probably apply that knowledge in the future. Good luck with it.

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Staff member
Officer Emeritus
Great work! Looks like it should work out well. What silicone did you use?

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Thanks guys! Definitely learned a few things I didn't pick up on the YouTube vids I watched. First was that it's not extra force that makes clean glass cuts. I was laying on it for all I could and that would chip and splinter the glass and made the cuts uneven. There is no shaving the edges at home so a cut a little short is usable but a little long is not. For a cleaner job with silicone I might tape some things off next time. I used GE silicone 1... From what I read its safe to use even though it has a warning on the tube not to use below the waterline in an aquarium:) I've been wanting a sump to get the equipment from behind my aio tank and to gain some plumbing experience. So far so good... I'm waiting on a return pump, have a couple of skimmers in mind that will fit in that chamber and hope to build new stand soon.
Tank is cruising along pretty good... In my last update I picked up a Millie that had what I thought was a good crab... Well lesson learned that those hairy blue eye suckers are evil. It tore up the Millie and my best growth on my Red Planet... Grrr. I had my Angel end up in the rear camber and lost him. I was down to 2 fish that didn't come out much. Wanting some movement I added a pair of Lyretail Anthias that filled that void nicely. Looking forward to setting up a larger tank in the fall.


Staff member
Officer Emeritus
Sorry to hear about the troubles. Tank looks great though!

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A few pics from today... I'm starting to have a Oompa loompa investigation:) I started with 1 head and now they take over whatever z n p's I put next to them.

I love this little fish and wish I could find a few more

Everything in this pic came from the swap 2 yrs ago
Thanks! It's a Trimma Tevegae goby. I've read where they do good in groups and wish I could find a couple more.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Looking good to me, once they start growing out and filling in it feels like everything starts coming together.