Cleaning out storage letting go of these tanks:
1) IM Nuvo 20 dropoff (acrylic)( no return pump/no nozzles)(good condition few fine scratches) $260 OBO
2) fluval Spec 3/2.3g (good/excellent condition)$45 OBO
3)fluval Chi 5g(just tank)(good condition) $20 OBO
4) API tap water filter (new/unused) $20 OBO
5) Biocube 29(fair condition) w/stand, Intank media basket/fugebasket +stand( fair condition)
(May come with hood[steves leds] + controller if I can find it) w/ or w/o $SOLDOBO
6) jellyfish art 3g kit( won at reefapolooza a few years ago unused beside demo)( circled blue items that weren’t included)$SOLD OBO
7)Fluval spec V 5g (good condition) $60
PM for Pics
Can meet up in Bronx,Manhattan,brooklyn( Midwood area),Staten island, Lower NNJ
Open to trades zoas/LPS, looking for Current USA LOOP eflux wave makers(x2), loop return pump
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