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Need help and suggestion on what to do with

Hi folks,
I clean my tank this pass weekend and was trauma when I find out that my tank infested with bubble algae at the size of my thumb nail. these gangster are on the back of my tank. some smaller one are on other rock area toward the front. I don't know what to do and really frustrate to see this algae in my tank. it is the hard to get rid of all time algae. what do you suggest me to do now in order to eliminate this infestation ?
I plan to get foxface and with the help of a member to train them to eat bubble algae. However, also thinking of adding crab. I don't like emeral crab due to its aggressiveness. i used to have emeral crab and it chase my fish instead of eating algae.
By the way, water parameters

saturday 20th, 2011 test
ALK = 5.0
phosphate = 0.08
calcium = 380
pH = 7.9
magnesium = 1340

last sunday test
ALK = 9.0
phosphate = 0.00
calcium = 450
pH = 8.2
magnesium = 1380

any suggest?


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
You should talk to Freng at red sand I have never seen fish eat BA like that before.. He told me a John he never feeds the tank... But then again everything that i read says Manuel removal is the best way.. I would remove the large ones by hand and let the fish go for the smaller ones.. They only start getting sporse when they get to a larger size depending on the BA species http://reefkeeping.com/issues/2002-02/hcj/feature/index.php
You should talk to Freng at red sand I have never seen fish eat BA like that before.. He told me a John he never feeds the tank... But then again everything that i read says Manuel removal is the best way.. I would remove the large ones by hand and let the fish go for the smaller ones.. They only start getting sporse when they get to a larger size depending on the BA species http://reefkeeping.com/issues/2002-02/hcj/feature/index.php

I tried to remove a large one by hand and that bursted. now in a few weeks, my tank will completely infested by these bores. :(
I plan to get foxface and with the help of a member to train them to eat bubble algae. Please do tell more about this "training"


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus

Use the siphon method like Nick suggested. I use a toothbrush to scrub them off (most time without popping them) make sure the siphon hose is directly over the bubble. Even if you could 'train' your fish to eat them I would think that fish would release spores itself by popping the bubble.


Use the siphon method like Nick suggested. I use a toothbrush to scrub them off (most time without popping them) make sure the siphon hose is directly over the bubble. Even if you could 'train' your fish to eat them I would think that fish would release spores itself by popping the bubble.

Honestly if you don't want to mess with it - just re-cook/cycle the rock the bubble algae is on. I had bubble algae briefly about 2 years ago when i got a "free" frag from a sponsor on this board. I thought i was careful with the dip etc but it still remained on the frag. Frankly bubble algae isn't all that bad - eventually the chaeto/etc should outcompete it. Additional flow in the area where it was growing would probably help too.

These days - anything that is not bryopsis is "not so bad" in my opinion. That stuff was impossible to be rid of.


NJRC Member

Red Sea Desjardin Sailfins are well known to eat bubble algae. My big tank only has bubble algae at the waterline where my Asfur can't reach, but I don't recommend them for reef tanks.


Red Sea Desjardin Sailfins are well known to eat bubble algae. My big tank only has bubble algae at the waterline where my Asfur can't reach, but I don't recommend them for reef tanks.


on his other thread(s) he makes mention of selling yellow tang, hippo tang to help his achilles tang...i would venture a guess that he doesn't want to add another tang. but then again - maybe he does! hahah
I think the problem with my algae blooming cause by 2 factors
feeding and too much fish that required constant feeding.
therefore, I try to sell most of my tangs in keeping phosphate to zero at all time and also do what Mr. Bob aka Magic suggest.

2 days ago, my wife mentioned that I should go with FWLR so less of maintenance need. as you all know, i just have second son, and i don't have much time to take care of the tank. I do water change monthly now instead of weekly like i used to.

Hawkeye, you never know, next week, i might post all coral colonies for sale.


NJRC Member
I think the problem with my algae blooming cause by 2 factors
feeding and too much fish that required constant feeding.
therefore, I try to sell most of my tangs in keeping phosphate to zero at all time and also do what Mr. Bob aka Magic suggest.

2 days ago, my wife mentioned that I should go with FWLR so less of maintenance need. as you all know, i just have second son, and i don't have much time to take care of the tank. I do water change monthly now instead of weekly like i used to.

Hawkeye, you never know, next week, i might post all coral colonies for sale.

I'm closest!!!!!! Score!