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Need help quick

I have a gold stripe maroon clown in a rbta. I had thought about replacing her with a pair as i have not been successful in getting her to coexist with a smaller one. Since I noticed that whenever my hands are in the tank, she nips at me and is always near my hands, I thought sh may be easy to get out of the tank.

So today I saw a beautiful pair of a Clarki clown and bought them. Unfortunately, I cannot get out the gsm. I am acclimating the fish now and will have to put them in a smal criter container or put them in the sump until I can figure out what to do.

Does anyone have any suggestions on what to do? I assume that if I put all three together it won't work out? Any other ideas on how to get out the gsm?

If all fails is anyone interested in this pair? I would take money of course but would give then away if need be rather then giving to a LFS where they may end up in a tank that no one possibly cares for.



tough call. Try shutting the tank lights off for about 15 minutes (room also in complete darkness. Slowly slip in a fishnet in front of the anemone where the GSM is on. Take a flash light and shine the light on the fish to disorient it. You should be able to scoop him up if he shoots forward and not in the rocks. you only have a short window to do this before the GSM realizes what you are trying to do.

and NO I don't think they will coexist peacefully


also, do the soda bottle trick. it worked last night for me, but boy was it a pain in the butt!

take a soda bottle and cut off the top 5 inches so it looks like a funnel. depending on the size of your GSM, cut open the screw cap thingy so the fish just about fits, maybe a tad bigger. An elongated hole is better rather than a round one (round holes good for wrasses)

take this funnel looking thing and invert it so you basically have a fishtrap with an inverted funnel. I used a stapler (don't leave it in there for 2 days!) to hold the two in place. DO NOT foget to place liverock inside the bottle (just enough) so it will sink on its own. I then tied a piece of fishing line so I can easily lift up the bottle without dunking my hands in the tank.

frozen food is then placed inside the bottle, they will swim in it and will not easily find its way out. I caught all my wrasses last night this way, and I was trying to catch the chromis :)
yours is probably smarter then mine, or your rock might not be moveable but whenever I"m moving stuff around and move the rock with her anemone on it my gsm tries to just stay in the anemone... she's so busy trying to stay in it I think (never tried) I could net her while pulling the anemone in the opposite direction.

if that or the other advice doesn't work.... think about it, you've been secretly wanting to have a reason to redo your rock work anyways right ;)
concept3.5 said:
also, do the soda bottle trick. it worked last night for me, but boy was it a pain in the butt!

take a soda bottle and cut off the top 5 inches so it looks like a funnel. depending on the size of your GSM, cut open the screw cap thingy so the fish just about fits, maybe a tad bigger. An elongated hole is better rather than a round one (round holes good for wrasses)

take this funnel looking thing and invert it so you basically have a fishtrap with an inverted funnel. I used a stapler (don't leave it in there for 2 days!) to hold the two in place. DO NOT foget to place liverock inside the bottle (just enough) so it will sink on its own. I then tied a piece of fishing line so I can easily lift up the bottle without dunking my hands in the tank.

frozen food is then placed inside the bottle, they will swim in it and will not easily find its way out. I caught all my wrasses last night this way, and I was trying to catch the chromis :)

Damn, I have to go back for my Masters for this. can you explain a little better? Are you saying to throw out the bottom of the botttle and cut off the threaded part of the bottle (the saved part). If so, what do I do not next. not sure about how/why the fish wants to go in and also what is the stapler for?

I think you're cutting it in 1/2, then putting the top half upside down back together/inside the bottom half... so your fish has to swim in the big hole through the small hole to get the food... and then can't figure out how to get back out... right?
Since I was getting rid of one of the two nems that I have, I think putting the nem in a trap or container may help. I tried to get the nem out by using a turkey baster blowing at its foot. This hasn't worked so far.

If anyone wants to come to Manalapan to try to help me get the nem out and possible the gsm, I will give both to you free.



yeppers. so, I re-read that post and I got a little confused myself even though I built it again for the umpteenth time!

So, without further ado:

I hope the pics tell the story better!



Hey Ken

believe it or not, that contraption will work, I did the same with the siphon part of my python gravel cleaner. Have some ghetto damsels I need to evict, making room for a trio of cherubs.

Just put it's near the nem, with some food, and wait. I wish I could come and help, I would love them both and my tank has been set up
for over 2 years now. Just changed my lights, 6x54 tek t5's and I try my best to keep my parameters right. BUTTTT! my wife is hawking me about my tank, from adding more rock to spending more money on it. So, anything I bring home is a issue, lol. She just doesn't understand my addiction, lol.

Anyway give it a shot, if I can get away from my wife I would love to come by and help.

RevClyburn said:
Hey Ken

believe it or not, that contraption will work, I did the same with the siphon part of my python gravel cleaner. Have some ghetto damsels I need to evict, making room for a trio of cherubs.

Just put it's near the nem, with some food, and wait. I wish I could come and help, I would love them both and my tank has been set up
for over 2 years now. Just changed my lights, 6x54 tek t5's and I try my best to keep my parameters right. BUTTTT! my wife is hawking me about my tank, from adding more rock to spending more money on it. So, anything I bring home is a issue, lol. She just doesn't understand my addiction, lol.

Anyway give it a shot, if I can get away from my wife I would love to come by and help.


Wouldn't cost u a penny. The fish and nthe nem would be free. The gsm is real nice. I am dying to be able to take the pair of clarki's out of my sump and put them in the tank.
It's not the monetary I'm worried about, it's the wife, lol. We are supposed to go look at a house and Townhouse, something she just set up, oh boy.
If I can get away from her after our excursion, I'll pm you ok.

Tried an ice cube and that didn't work. Tried cold water and turkey baster, and that didn't work. Tried a Mj900 for about 30 min and got maybe 40% off, but had to stop out of a tired arm and boredom. He re-attached in about a minute. Man that utility knife is looking real good right about now.
If you have finger nails you can try picking the boot off with your nails. Just do it slowly and carefully. If the boot gets badly torn some anms. don't recover.
As alway, or lately. my wife has me stuck here, I can't make it. I knew when I took her out I would be stuck the rest of the day.

edwin :mad:
ken how big is your tank , and where are you located , how is the GSMC im intrested in the clown i just lost my and the other one is lonely so iwant to pair them out i probably be able to help you out lmk thanks
