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Well, actually most of what you see here was dry rock from Marco Rocks. If you look back on page one, post 7 there is a pic of the order. I would guesstimate between 50 - 60 pounds at this time. I really like the Marco rock and will use it again when I upgrade someday .
Good luck with your 72. I will be following along as that is about as big as I can go when I do upgrade.
yah I saw the order for them, the macro rock looks really nice, specially since they're in large enough chunks for you to arrange around. Still awesome how much coraline and life developed on them.
I was going to remove the frag racks now that my prop tank is straightened out, but a few frags are doing so well in here that I just cannot get myself to move them! :-[
Sorry Phyl, not getting my email reply notifications lately....
Thank You!!
OK folks, I will be needing to replace my MH bulbs soon ( if not now LOL ) I have been thinking of going with 20k Ushio's.
This tank has 2x 150MH right now running 14K Current bulbs. The tank does not look as "blue" as my prop tank with the 150 14k Phoenix bulb and the corals lack color in my display tank. I have frags of the same coral in the prop tank and the colors are much better under the 14k Phoenix compared to the 14k Current. I know this may be as bad as the "Which salt mix is better" question, but....
I recall reading several threads stating the "slower" growth rate under the 20k Ushio's compared to 14k to be almost nil.
So why not enjoy the coral color as much as possible?