So calcium 450, Magnesium 1350, but oa day later and ALK drops from 9.0 to 8.4. prior to correcting my Magnesium from 1100 to 1350 I was only dropping 0.1ALK a day.Sooo, just a quick update.
I know my Alk has been at 9 since early December with usually 10ml or so daily doising, and necessary adjustments when I was doing my water changes.
The calcium didnt seem to be moving at all. so didnt dose Calcium.
Although I picked up the NeoNitro, and dosed a couple capfuls last week, I decided to stop, do a HUGE detritus hunt first.
I vacuumed the tank(barebottom), then aimed a powerhead at the back corners of the tank, pulled out a turkey baster and went haywire.
Again vacuuming the detritus off the bottom.
Since everything was also suspended, had to change filter socks too.
I tested yesterday morning after the storm settled.
Normally I would adjust Alk/Calcium immediately after the water change.
79 degrees
ALK was just 8.3
Calcium was just 400
MAG just 1110
pH 8.2
Nitrates (Red Sea 20), (API Zero )
Phosphates(API) 0.5
I adjusted the 8.3 to 9.0 ALK
Dosed to raise MAG to 1200.
Dosed to raise Calcium to 450
*** 3-2
Tested this morning, ALK 8.3 again.
Dropped way more than my daily anticipated 0.2
(Read- that when adjusting Mag and CAL it could lower ALK)
Calcium 460
Magnesium 1260
Nitrates and Phosphates were similar.
I dosed ALK back to 9.0 and added magnesium to shoot for 1300
My corals look SO FREAKING HAPPY!
Fluffy, Polyps Out.
After tomorrow, I will see if my uptake is back to the usual 0.2 ALK daily.
MAYBE with the corrected Calcium and Magnesium parameters, Maybe my daily ALK uptake is indeed going to be higher. If higher I will HAVE to dig out the dosing pump I have.
So will be testing the rest of this week to dial it all in, then just weekly.
If everything stays as expected I will do an ICP test!
See what that says about the overall trace elements and such.
Does that make sense?
Would the higher magnesium and correct calcium make all consumption by the corals that much easier to consume that much more daily?