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New 90 Gallon Reef setup. - Going to need alot of advice.

Hey all... I recently lost two fish... Yes lost... the first was a couple of days ago... it was a blue/green chromis (Small)... I have always had a school of six and I do role call everyday... (LOL) and one day I'm counting and I only see 5... since they are constantly moving i recount several times and have my wife count and yes 5... so the search begins... we check every rock from every angle... can't find him... keep looking every day thinking maybe he's just stressed and hiding... but he never shows... I looked for a body but never found one... then today I notice one of my engineer gobies is gone... again I'm searching everywhere.. and can't find him... now my other goby was know to hide when i first got him...as a matter of fact we thought him dead the first couple of weeks... then out of nowhere he starts popping his little black and yellow head out of some hole... and little by little he starts to come all the way out... now he spends most of his time out on the rocks and cleaning my other fish... the blue one that's missing almost never hides in the rocks... he was always swimming and cleaning... I'm wondering if maybe someone is eating them at night...? Or since they are small enough maybe they died and got devoured by my clean up crew... (Since i only feed every other day)...
Anyway the reason for my post is i was looking for the goby and was checking my overflow when I see this thing attached to my return pipe... is this bad or good should I remove and if so how?



Officer Emeritus
Staff member
Just saw in your other post about the tang that you have sally light foot crabs. They will kill and eat fish, I would remove them.


Officer Emeritus
Staff member
Generally they will go after fish when they are sleeping, easier catch. Sally lightfoots can also get really big, and are aggressive. People still sell them and include them in CUC packages, but they do not belong in tanks with fish IMO. I would get them out.
Anyone have a clue what this is...It's on one of my return nozzles... eggs2.jpgeggs3.jpg i thought air bubbles but when I touch them they don't burst...some kine of egg?


Staff member
Officer Emeritus
I would agree with Paul. It's really hit or miss with things that eat bubble algae. Some people have luck with emerald crabs but many others do not. I think manual removal is the best bet with bubble algae. Just make sure not to pop the bubbles, it can cause it to spread. If you can disassemble your return and clean it out of the tank that would be the best solution.

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Hello all... long tome... sorry work has been ridiculous. I will update this weekend on my tank... I have a quick question. I have a small 20 gallon refugium with about 2 -3 inches of sand... a lot of life... but on Sunday my pump died and it sat for 5 days with no water flow so no heat or filtering... can I replace the pump now or do u have to restart the whole refugium from scratch... will the bad water kill my main tank? Thx

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NJRC Member
Article Contributor
Take the water out of the fuge and fill it with fresh saltwater. I have seen all sorts of life in rocks and sand without flow and low temps. You will be surprised.

Hello all... it's been a while. Sorry I haven't had time to update and participate in the forums. Work has been crazy with a physical move just completed I've been swamped and working extremely long hours for the last couple of months. Things are somewhat back to normal so i should be on more often.

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So tank had its issues mainly due to my being too busy to properly maintain it. I lost some fish and a lot of corals and I am to blame...but I've been working on it and it's back on a maintenance schedule and the tank is starting to show signs of coming back. I've uploaded a video, don't mind all the drifting... just fed...

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