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New tank setup

Hi all, starting up my 3rd nano tank and it’s been a few years. Got another bio32 and some rock from this nice guy you all may know (erics210) and it’s been a few weeks now. Ammonia seems to be stuck for about a week now ~4.00ppm (dark aqua green) with no drop in ammonia. Minimal nitrites and have nitrates. Added a purple bottle of one and only and some new Caribbean Bahamas oolite sand from start with the rock. Thoughts here, water change, let it keep cycling? Lights only on for the pic. Ty for any advice in advance.


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How long has it been up and running/cycling?


NJRC Member
Keep cycling, no w/c, you are probably going to fall into an ammonia stall with it being at a 4. Just let it sit and it will break in a few weeks. Run lights on a very minimal cycle with low intensity.


Vice President
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Hi all, starting up my 3rd nano tank and it’s been a few years. Got another bio32 and some rock from this nice guy you all may know (erics210) and it’s been a few weeks now. Ammonia seems to be stuck for about a week now ~4.00ppm (dark aqua green) with no drop in ammonia. Minimal nitrites and have nitrates. Added a purple bottle of one and only and some new Caribbean Bahamas oolite sand from start with the rock. Thoughts here, water change, let it keep cycling? Lights only on for the pic. Ty for any advice in advance.
Erics210 is a bum.....LOL


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NJRC Member
Was it live rock ? If you live near eric, get some filter floss or a filter sponge and leave it in his tank for a week. Then place that it your sump. Instant bacteria.


NJRC Member
Ok I didn’t know if I should mix tanks in theory. I’ve got 2 other nano tanks, I’ll grab my floss from those and add some extra rubble rocks from other tanks and then drop some more Bactria. Ty for all the tips everyone.
Fritz has some refrigerated non dormant bacteria that works really well for cycling, it's called turbo start 9 or something like that.