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left side of tank. FYI to everyone with bow front tanks. Much easier to take pictures on flat tanks. This tank is bow front and with the eye. Looks amazing. But cameras. Hate curved glass. And have super hard time focusing and dealing with refraction and reflection


NJRC Member
Where did you get those frogspawns? Gorgeous!!!
You talking about the one in my tank? Top left? I got that as a 2 head bicolor frogspawn from pops corals in brooklyn ny. (Stopped in while visiting my dad) it's about 10-12 heads now. And I gotta move it a bit bc its starting to overcrowd and burn my green elkhorn coral. On the center right I have a splatter torch, from ACC it was actually a 1 head freebie i got one day, it's now 6-7 heads. Front right I have 2 cristata's. One gold and purple tips and one gold with green tips, they have 3 heads each and have done nothing on the last year lol. And front center is my 2 prized torches. The big one was bought as a 2 head indo dragon soul(for too much money) but now that I have 9 heads o feel better about it. just waiting for them to naturally branch and separate. And I also have a "black" torch from acc. Its extremely deep purple body and tentacles with a bright green tip. Really nice pieces.