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New toy - RO buddy booster


Staff member
Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
Installed it in 10 minutes this morning and my RODI production is up tenfold. Whisper quiet.
No idea how I lived without a booster and this one has all the bells and whistles (on/off with low/high pressure, backwash, etc).
If this holds up for a couple weeks, I'm going to buy another for my home system.

I have one and it works great I can make water so much faster. I've had it for probably 2 years now with no problems.


Staff member
Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
Wasn't shutting off. Realize I need a separate check valve for the membrane out. Not a big deal, quick Amazon order, though a note in the description, 'If you're buying this to use with our RODI Buddy, get a frickin check valve', would have been welcome.
Used to take the better part of a day for 5 gallons, this thing hit the 8-10 gallon mark in a couple hours. :)